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近五年来一直从事与自旋电子及微电子技术相关的国际技术前沿课题研究。在非挥发性随机存储器、自旋逻辑电路和场效应晶体管等高性能信息存储、运算和控制器件及其相应的材料领域开创性地提出了多项重要的新技术理念和设计方案,并在实验中得以实现。申请人取得了多项具有国际领先水平的创新性研究成果。领导了美国国防部高级研究计划局(DARPA)、海军办公室(ONR)、美国半导体理事会(SRC)和美国国家自然基金项目(NSF),日本文部科学省和总务省项目,以及中国湖北省重大科技攻关等项目。同时参与了中国国家自然基金重大项目和法国国家研究署等项目。近五年来,以第一或通讯作者在Nature Nanotechnology,Proceedings of National Academy of Science (PNAS),Applied Physical Letters, Nanotechnology等期刊发表数篇论文,并以主要作者和合作作者在Nature Materials, Scientific Reports, Physical Review Letters, PNAS,Nano Letters上发表6篇论文。研究成果被Nat. Commun.、Nat. Nanotechnol等重要期刊他引,并被News & Views of Nat. Nanotechnol、Phy.Org等媒体作为高新技术报道。



1. Min Song, Jiun-Haw Chu*, Jian Zhou, Sefaattin Tongay, Kai Liu, Joonki Suh, Henry Chen,

Jeong Seuk Kang, Xuecheng Zou, Long You*, Magnetoresistance oscillations in topological

insulator Bi2Te3 nanoscale antidot arrays, Nanotechnology 26, 265301, (2015);

2.Long You, OukJae Lee, Debanjan Bhowmik, Dominic Labanowski, Jeongmin Hong, Jeffrey

Bokor, Sayeef Salahuddin, Switching of perpendicularly polarized nanomagnets with spin orbit

torque without an external magnetic field by engineering a titled anisotropy, Proceedings of

National Academy of Science(In Press);

3.D. Bhowmik+,L. You+, S. Salahuddin, Spin Hall effect clocking of nanomagnetic

logic without a magnetic field.Nature Nanotechnology (共同第一),9,59, (2014);

4.L. You, R. C. Sousa, S. Bandiera, B. Rodmacq, B. Dieny, Co/Ni multilayers with

perpendicularanisotropy for spintronic device applications, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100,

172411 (2012);

5.L. You, T. Kato, S. Tsunashima, S. Iwata, Thermomagnetic writing on deepsubmicron patterned TbFe films by nanosecond current pulse, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 321 (2009) 1015.

6.L. You, T. Kato, S. Tsunashima, and S. Iwata, Dynamic Heating in Micron- and Submicron-Patterned TbFe Films, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 47(2008) No.1A.

7.L. You, T. Kato, S. Tsunashima, and S. Iwata, Magnetic Force Microscopy Study of Thermomagnetic Writing on Micron- and Submicron-Patterned TbFe Films Using Current Pulses: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 46 (2007) 1003.

8.Xiaofei Yang, Long You, Min Song, Gengqi Lin, Zuoyi Li. The magnetic properties of sputter-deposited and annealed CoCr/CoCrPt recording media. Journal of Materials & Design, 27 (2006) 223.

9.Zuoyi Li, Long You, Min Song, Xiaofei Yang, Zhen Li, Yongshi Hu, Gengqi Lin. Effect of Nb content on the microstructure and magnetic properties of CoCrPtNb/CrTi/C thin films media for glass substrate, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 388 (2005) 293.

10. Zuoyi Li, Long You, Zhen Li, Xiaofei Yang, Xiaomin Chen, Fang Jin and Gengqi Lin. The influence of annealing on the structural and magnetic properties of C/CoCrPt/CrTi trilayer recording media, J. Magn. Magn. Mater.,2004, 280 (2004)419.


Long You was born in Gushi, Henan in 1977. He received the B.Sc. in Mechanics Engineering from Jilin University,China in 2001 and M. Sc. in Electrical Engineering from Huazhong University of Sci. & Tech., China in 2004, and Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from Nagoya University, Japan in 2008. He spent one year in Spintec, France right after Ph.D graduation, to research and develop thermally assisted MRAM with spin injection. From 2009 to 2010, he worked as postdoctoral researcher in RIKEN, Japan, where he designed and nanofabricated novel pure spin current devices. In 2010-2015, He joined the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, the University of California at Berkeley, where he pioneered the work on spin RAM, nanomagnetic logic and next generation transistors. He holds 2 patents and has authored about 30 scientific publications and book chapters on nanomagnetism, spintronics and transistors.


1997年9月-2001年7月 吉林大学 本科

2001年9月-2004年7月 华中科技大学 硕士

2005年4月-2008年3月 日本名古屋大学 博士

2008年5月-2009年4月 法国国家研究中心(CNRS)博士后

2009年9月-2010年6月 日本理化学研究所(RIKEN)博士后

2010年9月-2012年10月 美国加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)博士后

2012年11月-2015年6月 美国加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)助理项目科学家

2015年7月 华中科技大学教授



姓名 游龙 职称职务 教授
专业方向 微纳电子器件及工艺 电话
电邮 <p>lynuee@yahoo.com 地址 <p>华中科技大学西七楼