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姓 名:薛堪豪





英文主页(详细): http://www.eedevice.com/

本科与硕士分别毕业于清华大学电子工程系和清华大学微电子学研究所,获2007年清华大学优秀硕士毕业生。2010年5月获美国科罗拉多大学科泉分校博士学位(科罗拉多大学优秀毕业生)。博士期间发表的氧化镍基关联电子存储器的模型被国际半导体技术发展路线图ITRS引用,作为Mott存储器的一种原型。曾在科罗拉多大学科泉分校担任讲师,教授《半导体器件》课程。先后在美国科罗拉多大学,法国格勒诺布尔微电子电磁与光电研究所(IMEP-LAHC),法国亚眠固态反应与化学实验室(LRCS)进行博士后研究。2015年6月进入华中科技大学工作,主讲本科生《量子力学》课程。主要从事以下方面的研究:(1)新型非易失性存储器的材料设计与器件建模;(2)新型能带计算方法的研究;(3)电化学系统例如先进二次电池(锂离子电池、锂空气与锂硫电池)的建模,电催化反应机理探索等。在 Physical Review Letters、IEEE Electron Device Letters、IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 等国际期刊上发表了58篇论文。2018年提出了改进的基于密度泛函理论的半导体能带计算方法shLDA-1/2。主持了国家自然科学基金项目“共价半导体的高效密度泛函带隙修正”,并作为骨干参与多项科技部国家重点研发计划。












Dr. Kanhao Xue received the B.S.E.E. degree and the M.S.E.E. degree from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China in 2004 and 2007, respectively. He obtained the Ph.D. degree from University of Colorado Colorado Springs, USA, in May 2010. He taught the course "Semiconductor Devices I" in fall 2010 semester at University of Colorado Colorado Springs. He also had post doctoral experiences in University of Colorado Colorado Springs, USA (2010-2011), Institut de Microélectronique Electromagnétisme et Photonique—Laboratoire d'Hyperfréquences et de Caractérisation (IMEP-LAHC, CNRS), Grenoble, France (2011-2013), and Laboratoire de Réactivitéet Chimie des Solides (LRCS, CNRS), Amiens, France (2013-2015). He became an associate professor in School of Optical and Electronic Information, HUST in June 2015. His research areas cover emerging non-volatile memory devices, such as resistive memory (RRAM) and ferroelectric memory (FeRAM), new methods in first-principles calculations and modeling of electrochemical systems. He has authored 58 publications in international journals, including Physical Review Letters, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Applied Physics, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, etc. He was an active member of the Electrochemical Society (ECS). In 2018 he has proposed an improved band structure calculation method shLDA-1/2 for covalent semiconductors.

Academic Areas:

1. Device physics and material design of novel non-volatile memories;

2. New ab initio calculation methods capable of handling hundreds of atoms while predicting a correct band gap.

3. Modeling of advanced battery systems and electrocatalysis;

Academic Degrees

Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, 2010, University of Colorado Colorado Springs.

Master in Microelectronics, 2007, Tsinghua University.

Bachelor in Electronics Engineering, 2004, Tsinghua University.

Professional Experience

2015.6—Present Associate Professor of HUST

2013.6—2015.5 Post-doctor in LRCS, Amiens, France

2011.10—2013.5 Post-doctor in IMEP-LAHC, MINATEC, Grenoble, France

2010.8—2011.9 Post-doctor in University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, USA

2010.5—2011.9 Staff engineer in Symetrix Corporation, USA

姓名 薛堪豪 职称职务 教授
专业方向 微电子学系 电话
电邮 xkh@hust.edu.cn 地址